Thursday, January 17, 2008

Good friends

What makes a good friend?

I experienced a good friend last night. I went out with Pixie for a meal and a couple of white wine sodas. I was in a sad place. I was feeling fat, unloveable, betrayed and overwhelmed.

Pixie was glowing with happiness after her weekend with her new man.

She was able to sit with me in my sad place. She did not try to solve it for me, she did not judge me, she offered some wonderful advice but it was not given with the underlying message that 'you have to do it or else I will feel discounted'. She let me be me.

In her good place of grounded, adult happiness she was able to contact me, and I her. My own sadness did not diminish my ability to glow with joy for her. We were present for each other.

We had a lovely time in spite of our different emotional moods.

Good friends are worth their weight in gold!


Vi said...

They so are, and I'm glad you've got such a good friend with Pixie!

Kahless said...

Yes having a good friend in your life can make a lot of difference.

sashka said...

That is lovely :) I'm just a passer-by.

Fire Byrd said...

What a lovely post to come home to.
I do so hope that you gain your perspective soon.
I to had a wonderful time last night.
And you are a wonderful friend to me too.
So thank you for being there for me.

trousers said...

Great stuff! Always a good sign when one person is in a better place than the other, but you can meet in the middle.

Nothing like an affirmation of the value of it too.

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

Pixie is such a wonderful person to have as a friend. I'm envious that you get to see so much of her. QV, you're going through a tough time, and I know what it's like. But the wheel turns. Just keep remembering that.

XXYXX said...

Constancy, and being able to sit in different spaces but together is a great gift in a friend.

Anonymous said...

The best friendships endure even the toughest times. It sounds like you were able to give each other what you needed and that is very healing.

What happened to the burst of energy which you experienced this week? Perhaps another bit of magic is in order to to enlighten and inspire you?

At this time of year, the earth feels depleted. When we dig deep, we find the hidden riches which inspire and uplift us. Either that, or I shouldn't have had that third glass of wine :).

Big hugs


DJ Kirkby said...

QV, you seem to get flat and low each time you complete an assignement. Is there a pattern or am I imagining it? Glad you found some comfort from Px.

Unknown said...

Excellent, QV - thanks Pixie. Blessings.

Queen Vixen said...

Vi and Kahless: Good friends make such a difference! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Sashenka: Nice to see you :o)

Pix: You have been a constant source of strength and love. Thank you

Trousers: I think its when you are at different emotional places and still connect that you know the friendship is real.

Wake Up: Thank you for such kind words. Yes it is tough at the moment but 'the wheel turns' - I shall remember that. My mantra!

Bobo: It is indeed.

Hull: Thank you for those lovely words. Glass of wine ... now there's an idea!

Dj: You are right. Yes - you are. I seem to get depleted and exhausted by the writing. I am trying to pace myself with the 25000 dissertation but still it gets me!

Hedge: Thank you, you are a darling and I really could do with those blessings.