Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Something light hearted and lemony

See, see - I am still creating time to blog! Although today I am not going to be posting something thought provoking or particularly stimulating - that's because I have a curry about to arrive. It was going to be garlic mushrooms, crusty bread and salad but after a valiant struggle (cough!) I gave in to the general wishes and have opted for an Indian. I have had a veggie one tonight - part of my new way of thinking about weight, karma and not eating dead flesh.

Sooooo my little post is about anti-perspirant. I have given it up!

Now before you all rush off to find pegs and stuff let me explain. I still smell sweetly. I have never really been a 'sweater' so smearing dodgy stuff that clogs up my pores, glands and may even be implicated in breast cancer seems a dangerous waste of time and money.

Instead I have opted for a block deodorant from Lush which smells zingy, lemony and fresh. Lemon essential oil is a natural bactericide and good old talc, which is the base product, soaks up any perspirings a treat. My other alternative is a dab of Starchild Tantra oil which is musky and spicy. I feel much better - there is too much sterile, ultra clean thinking that goes on anyway. Plus everyone I know says I have a natural scent with is 'divine' (and I quote) therefore I am not going to worry about aluminium containing cloggers anymore. I shall let my body breathe and do what it is supposed to.

I do like the smell of sweat on a man - so why shouldn't men have the same kind of response to women. [Caveat: Providing its not stale and has developed into rancid BO]. Sweat contains pheromones. Those are gooooood! I think we mask too much of our real selves in many ways, the earthy scent of the body is luscious - I am going natural.


Anonymous said...

LOL! About 15 years ago I was working in the Black Hills National Forest all by myself. I lived about 40 minutes away from the nearest town and every time I went into town I forgot to get antiperspirant. I stunk like hell for about ten days and then, just like that, the smell went away. So, having a scientific mind, I eventually bought more antiperspirant and used it and stopped again... and sure enough, I stunk like hell for about ten days and then it simply went away.

Since, I have never used any sort of stink on my body with never a complaint from anyone, and I still hold that the stinky bacteria that makes our armpits stink comes from antiperspirants - either coincidentally or by design (yeah, I know, one hell of a conspiracy theory).

Here's to our natural smell!!! C:)

Queen Vixen said...

Craig: Our natural smell is wonderful. Interesting conspiracy theory. I can buy into that one knowing corporate ethics as I do. I think we tamper with our bodies at our peril. They react to being tampered with.

Kahless said...

I sweat to much to go natural! Maybe next time I am off work for two weeks I will go with Craig's idea. (If my partner will bear it that long.)

Exmoorjane said...

Ah, sigh....my natural armpit smell is, sadly, not wonderful but a bit rank. I don't use anti-perspirant (cos of aluminium fears) but plaster on deodorant I fear. Hate to say it, but talc is not a goody for our bods.....
Oh yes oh yes oh YES though to Starchild Tantra oil which is THE most totally sexy smell in the entire world (oh, heck, flushing just thinking about it!).....
But good on ya girl, for going natural (if you smell that good, why bother with the artificial stuff).
Oh, and COULD I gossip about LJ?!! But I mustn't, I mustn't....I promised I wouldn't....bad karma and all! ;)

Anonymous said...

Happily although I sweat a lot it's always pleasant-smelling so I've never used deodorant. Lucky me! Mind you, I have plenty of bodily flaws that DO need attending to....

Anonymous said...

I am not very smelly either lol, so largely going without anti-perspirant hasn't done me any harm.

Regular washing (at least once a fortnight), natural fibres, clean living (ahem!) and a healthy diet (ignoring all the crisps and syrup sandwiches) all seem to help.

Lovely to see you are still making time to play, honeybear. Still checking my inbox, though.......;).


Queen Vixen said...

Kahless: Well Craig seems pretty convinced.

Exmoore: give me the goss!!!

Nick: Well we all think that about ourselves. Sure you are absolutely fine.

Hull: Check your inbox!

trousers said...

Interesting to read what craig wrote at the top, I shouldn't really be surprised since I managed without washing my hair for a while (15 years) - a few weeks of greasiness followed by no-one being able to tell that I didn't wash my hair.

I'd be tempted to do the same with deodorant, and I agree entirely with what you've written qv - but like craig, I think I'd have to be away from people for a little while to go completely underarm cold-turkey...

Anonymous said...

Not just self-assessment! Jenny has a very acute sense of smell, she would tell me instantly if I wasn't fragrant enough!