Monday, July 07, 2008

Pussy cat, pussy cat

Where have you been?

I am off to London to GRADUATE!!!! Woo hoo!!!!

Its been a long time coming. 20 years to be precise but tomorrow I get to wear the Cap and Gown. I will be posting pics on my Blog and Facebook. I am so so so excited.

I will be catching the train early tomorrow - have an afternoon in the big city, a meal with my fellow graduees in evening and then all the pomp and ceremony the following day. All that hard work - all the essay hell! I am going to enjoy the fruits of my labours.

Then there is just the MSc final lap - piece of cake :o)

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Few odds and sods

Thank you thank you thank you all you lovely people who commented on my blog - I know I have not got round to replying to your comments or reading your blogs - I am in a 'blog flap' as I know I have been neglecting you and my precious blog which I love ever so much.

However - here is the plan today

1. Apply for my own job
2. Complete my application for another MSc - I am pretty sure I wont have to go through with it as there are other more suitable courses but it has to be done for 1.(see above).
3. Apply to become a member of the BABCP - necessary for 1. but nowhere near as onerous as applying to the BACP.
4. Bless the new trees planted in my garden.
5. Blog.

I have a Barb-b-Que to attend later on - a couple of friends who magnetically attract wet weather. Look up - see!

Just before I get down to it I have one question for you to ponder. Gay men - do they fly under the radar? I really love gay men (well the ones that I know) and allow them in ever so close. Much closer than your average straight man. I am going to be initiated in October and the High Priest performing the ritual is a gay man. This has led to much muttering amongst certain (bitter) circles about gay men gaining access to the inner sanctum of women. Discuss.

Catch you later!